Business Studies and Economics: Library Basics

pin_2015Business Studies and Economics: Library Basics

  • Tuesday, September 13, 2016 ~ 10:15 am

Meeting point: Central Lending Library Westfluegel (Foyer)

This information session is especially targeted at exchange students in the areas of Business Studies or Economics. It provides students with an overview of the University Library and answers questions such as:

  • Which services does the University Library offer?
  • How does the online catalog ‘Primo’ work?
  • Where and how do I find the library branches which are relevant for me?
  • How can I access the library’s electronic resources?

After the information session there will be a short tour through the relevant libraries (Schloss Schneckenhof (Business Studies), Schloss Ehrenhof (Economics, Accounting & Taxation), textbook library).

Registration: via the Student Portal


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