Invitation to the Open Access Event on 26 October 2017

We would like to invite you to the Open Access Event 2017 organized by the Division I – Research Support and Strategic Planning and the Mannheim University Library:


From Open Access to Open Science – how does it work?

26 October 2017  |  11:00 – 13:00

in the Fuchs-Petrolub-Festsaal (O 138).


Open Access is increasingly becoming a standard for scientific publishing, it is demanded by important research funders and pushed forward politically. We learn at first-hand about the EU’s perspective on this topic and receive two reports from scientists at the University of Mannheim. The event is focussed on the concrete implementation for you as a researcher and the support options available. Find the detailed program on the event’s website.


Please register with an informal email to until 15 October 2017.


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