ZWÖLFDREISSIG Become library fit!

ZwoelfdreissigLibrary Q+A: What you always wanted to know about your library (in English)

Are there things you always wanted to know about Mannheim University Library? How many ebooks have we licensed, where are the closed stacks or what benefits do I get from using the library’s databases instead of Google? Take advantage of the opportunity to ask us everything about our services.

Tuesday, 20. February at 12:30 p.m. – 13:00 p.m.| Learning Center

Our weekly workshop ZWÖLFDREISSIG provides you with useful tips and tricks on studying, academic writing and research. The 30-minute workshops take place every Tuesday at 12:30 pm in the Learning Center Schloss Schneckenhof training area. No need to register – just turn up.

Check out on our website what else ZWÖLFDREISSIG offers for this semester.

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