Open-Access-Agreement with Frontiers

You can now apply for funding to cover open access publishing fees (APC) for articles in all Frontiers‘ journals. This is part of our newly established open access funding.

We just finalized an institutional agreement with Frontiers which will simplify the invoicing process for you. The covering of publication fees for articles in all Frontiers‘ journals is possible, since the new agreement limits the maximum APC costs. Thereby all Frontiers‘ journals meet the requirements for our open access funding.

If you plan to submit an article to a journal of Frontiers, please contact our Open Access Representative Dr. Philipp Zumstein to make sure that there is enough money in the publishing fund. Then select the University of Mannheim as your research institution during the submission process at Frontiers. After the review process the University Library will pay the publishing fee for you.

A complete list of Frontiers‘ journals can be found at their website.


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